Thursday, July 17, 2008

Well, off I go to Girls Camp! I'm so excited to have Audrey come, she's so cool. I just hope she won't feel too uncomfortable, since she probably doesn't go camping much (just a guess, since she's never been on a trampoline, so she might not have been exposed to the wild outdoors too much either).

I'm just trying to kill time before we leave today at 11:45 am (it's now 10:00am, I think the time thing on here is an hour behind).

We're going to camp Atoka, that's funded by BYU, I think. It's somewhere in the north direction. It should be pretty fun.

Here I go!


Hillari said...

Have fun you lucky duck!! My girls camp isn't until the 12th of august. *sigh*. I have to go home early so I can get to high school registration.

Amanda said...

I love having new girls at Girl's Camp! Last week at our girl's camp, we met Kylie and Kami's cousin, Sala, and she was AWESOME! She was well read...but not nerdy! She fit in great...I bet Audrey will have fun, too.

If all the "rich people" go to France on vacation, where do the French go?

Aly said...

Amanda, Amanda...

*sigh* Yes, she was nerdy. You're just in denial. But she was nerdy in a good way...

The French come to America on vacation, silly! TO get Big Macs and make fun of Americans!

Amanda said...

Actually, Dallin's friend Kim went to England and said the rich from England and France go to Dubai.

For those who don't know, Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates. It was built completely from scratch as a luxury resort with lots of VERY expensive hotels, condos, etc. They took sand from the surrounding desert to make islands. Literally, MAKE! They're currently doing a group of islands in the shape of a world map. That picture we got from Maddie awhile back with the indoor ski resort? That's in Dubai.

Also, I did not look any of this up. It was on the same 60 Minutes thing that my parents were watching because President Hinckley was on it.

Amanda said...

So what if I'm a nerd! I'm just cool like that!

Hillari said...

A family in my ward went to Abu Dhabi to live for a year and they just came back. A girl who is my age said she went to that indoor ski resort and that it was cool.

Those Emirates have WAY too much money. they don't even know what to do with it. So they make islands (like amanda said) and have marble floored malls. and they built the second largest.... ugh, my brain went dead. you know, those muslim churches. I can't remember what they are called.

They also have this licence plate system where the lower license plate you have the richer you are. There was a number 3 license plate that sold for 2 million dollars. how sick!!

S Thorne said...

This is the first time that she had gone camping! But we had fun!

Amanda said...

A muslim church is a mosque. I have those BLURGH moments all the time...

Do you think Dubai or Abu Dhabi is bigger? At first I just thought I got the name wrong, but I looked it up and they are different places...but similar in the way they are like rich and stuff...