Thursday, August 21, 2008

Still A Brace-face

Ya, so today was just my evaluation, they just measured my bite and everything. In 4 weeks, on September the 17th at 8:30 am (during English and French 3) I will get my braces off!!! Finally! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it ;)


Yen said...

That's awesome! Let's just hope... wait... never mind, I might jinx you. I'm not gonna say anything else...

Keilee said...

Yen, don't worry, you can't jinx me, because they have a special time for what they call my appointment, they're going to 'de-band' me They can't go back on that! At least, they shouldn't. That would make them liars, and my Orthodontist wouldn't do that, he's too cool.

Misty said...

Keilee!! I'm so happy for you! You will have to tell me how it feels with out face appliances, ok??

Hillari said...

Hey misty! where have u been?!?!j

I got braces on wednsday. It sucks not being able 2 chew food.

Keilee said...

MISTY!!!! Seriously, where have you been? I was about to sent out a missing person report. I'm so happy you're back!

Yen said...

Oh Hillary!!! I'm so sorry you have braces! We all know how you must feel these first few weeks. Well, at least most of us, some people STILL haven't gotten braces yet. I hope your teeth aren't hurting that bad. Then again, you did just get metal things glued inside your mouth. That might hurt a bit.