Monday, February 2, 2009

Science Olympiad!!


Okay, so like I was snooping around on the SHS website, you know, out of curiousity... and then I read the newsletter, and Hillary and Shannah's names were on it and they were going to the Science Olympiad Bobby Sock Comp. on Saturday. YAY!!!

K, so for Hillary and Shannah... what events are you in? My friend and I will show you around the school, and then after, we were gonna run around like crazy madmen bugging people. You in? And to get this out of the way now... Davis isn't as big as Syracuse, so Shannah.... go ahead, brag. Can't wait to see you there! (fyi... I was just recruited into Ecology last week and have no idea what in the world I'm doing. Any advice?)


Hillari said...

Holy crap!! we were in the newsletter?? when did this happen??? anyho, why isn't keilee there too? she has joined us and we are doing that "picture this" one. Me and shannah were thinking of doing ecology too, but were not so sure. well i'm not anyway. It basically is just a test on biology, ya know the cell, plants and stuff.

Hillari said...

oh and I'm totally up with running around like mad men. sounds like ooodles of fun! :D

Yen said...

Yep... you guys were in the newletter! I might have missed Keilee's name... but I don't think I could. Keilee's name kinda stands out. Hmm.. let's ponder that.

Anyways... I've been studying for chem lab and forensics all year, but them... all of a sudden, my coach took me out of it and stuck me into the events that he didn't have filled yet b/c I'm "responsible and show up", you know, that kind of thing. So now I'm apparently in Ecology and Picture this. I'm so not good at pictionary! So now i'm studying like a crazy person b/c a week ago, I had no idea what the word 'ecology' even meant!

We should do biology and picture this as a combined team or something! That'd be so funny. All the coaches would be confused at the awards part if we have a Syrc/Davis team!

See ya on saturday! (I'm gonna go double check on that newsletter thing. Maybe it was printed before Keilee joined or something...)

Yen said...

Boy.. that was a long comment!

And no, Keilee's name isn't on it. There's only like 8 names plus your coach. When did she join?

S Thorne said...

Hey Yen!
I'm in on running around like madmen! Can parents come? I gotta see that newsletter! and why am I bragging because our school is bigger than yours?

Amanda said...

Hey, guys!

Ecology isn't exactly like biology. It's the study of the ecosystem. We talked about it in science first term.

The 3 main ecological laws are:

1. Everything is connected to everything else
2. Everything has to go somewhere
3. There is no such thing as a free lunch(OK, I have no idea how he explained that. It made sense at the time)

It's just like food webs, food pyramids, litho/hydro/atmo/etc.sphere, and I think biomes. That's all I can help! You can borrow my notes.

Amanda said...

What do you do in the Science Olympiad anyway?

Amanda said...

And when did you guys join it?

Yen said...

Thanks for the definition Amanda. Now I just need to cram in 10 zillion other facts in three days.

In Science Olympiad, there are 14 events that you can compete in. It ranges from chemistry, to biology, health, engineering, physics... you know, science stuff.

Basically, for the competition, you go in and take a test, do a lab, or build something. It depends on the the event, and in all of them, you can have at least 1 partner. After you take the test or whatever, they give you points for your answers, and the highest one wins. I think that's how it goes... I'm not quite sure. I'll find out on Saturday.

Hillari said...

whoa! i thought it was only me, shannah, keilee and two other people. only me and shannah and keilee ever show up to the practices. We didn't really join, per say. more like shannah and I drifted in when it was about 6 weeks from the competition and then shanghaied keilee into joining us. I agree on the whole team thing. oh to see the look on the judges faces!

Hillari said...

GASP! aly I saw your name too for winning the spelling bee. they spelled your last name wrong. boulton! ugh.

Yen said...

Nice job Aly! I totally missed your name at the bottom. How in the world do you misspell 'Bolton'?

Hillary... is 'shanghaied' a word? If it is, that's awesome. I was really looking forward to competing against you guys in Picture this, but I found out today that the other 2 people are taking their ACT on Saturday, so whether or not I'm in picture this is iffy right now

Hillari said...

heck yes shanghaied is a word! it is what pirates would do. they steal people from your boat and force them into being a pirate. just, ya know, some random info for you.

Amanda said...

I thought shanghaied was like forcing you to be in the military, not a pirate.

Or have I just been watching Secondhand Lions? (Good movie!)

Hillari said...

I think it is both. or is it a chinese word? like those chinese kung fu movies? oh, now i'm all confused! oh well. it is still a cool word.

Yen said...

Either way, 'shanghaied' is a cool word, but I would think that it came from shanghai, china, or am I just thinking of Shanghai Knights the movie?

Question for the Science Olympiad people.... if the schedule for the events work out, the four of us could do the Pentathalon for fun. My coach said that there's basically aren't any rules, and no one has to know that we're mixing schools.

Shannah, parents can come, but idk what they'd do. It's like small team events in classrooms. Who knows? Maybe your parents will be entertained. Umm... since you guys are only doing Picture this, from what the schedule says, you don't start until 10:30, but I'm guessing you guys are coming at 9.

The basic schedule (if your coach hasn't told you already) is that the competition goes from 9-12 pm, pizza lunch for everyone, and then awards around 12:30 (subject to change!)

Amanda said...

I'm pretty sure it came from Shanghai, China. I don't know why...

I'm gonna go look it up!

Amanda said...

According to the entry "Shanghaiing" in Wikipedia, it means forcing someone to be a sailor for you by trickery, intimidation, or violence.

It's called "Shanghaiing" because the most common destination for these ships full of basically kidnapped people was Shanghai.

Yen said...

Coolio, and everyone says that wikipedia is useless!

Hillari said...

in aly's words, whoop! I was right!