Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Dr. Seuss Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 2nd most awesome holiday ever!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm sure you can guess the first)

I wore a Dr. Seuss hat all day at school today, I had some strange reactions.

What's with the hat? why's it blue? Okay, then?

stuff like that, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, Happy belated birthday Manda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry, I forgot, I planned to post this on the 28th, nut it just didn't happen.

so, how was your birthday, is 16 any different from 15?


Amanda said...

Thanks! It's not different so far, except I'm with the Laurels and people keep asking me if I have my license/have gone on a date yet. Most people seem more excited about me being 16 than I have been.

For those who don't know, National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is the first!

Hey, Erika, have you guys gotten the results of English Quest yet?

Amanda said...

That is the weirdest name. (English Quest) Why is it a quest?

Hillari said...

I've always wondered that. Along with the "Science Olympiad" why is it an Olympiad? there is no physical activity involved.

Misty said...

These are all excellent questions.


I was also going to post something like a birthday song on here, but I am so, so sorry to say that I forgot. :( sorry.

Erika said...

We don't have results yet However my english teacher has been informed this...

Out of the seven top competitors from all the schools, 4 are from NUAMES. I think that's pretty cool personally.

Yen said...

I would have gone to english quest, and my teacher wanted me, but you guys know how I hate missing class and all the stress. Maybe next year. You guys are going down!

Erika said...

We do Have results back now!!!!!!!

I took 3rd in persuasive writing.

Congrats to manda and aly, I knew you'd place in spelling bee aly. awesome on the literature test manda.

Amanda said...

I did good on the LITERATURE TEST??? Not the poetry or the movie? I totally guessed on several of those questions... Nice on the persuasive writing, Erika!

Erika said...

Yea, manda, you took 3rd

Amanda said...

That is so stupid. The one I wasn't actually trying on I took third?