Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Party Once More!

OK, since only Misty and Hillary even commented on my first one, I'm posting this AGAIN. Are we doing a party for spring break or are we waiting and Misty will host something for her birthday?


Hillari said...

I want to wait for Misty's birthday party.

Aly said...

Sweet sixteen all the way! WHOO!

Yen said...

Oooo... when's her birthday? May 7th? Dang it! My grandpa's coming from Cali that weekend, and I think we're going to either Park City or one of the hot springs in Idaho. I don't think I'd be able to come! Dang it! :(

Amanda said...

Hey, Yen, I still have plenty of free time to do for break...Do you want to do something?

Yen said...

How do you have free time? Didn't your ap teacher bombard you with homework/studying? If he didn't, I envy you. I don't have time this week (sadly:( I have a piano lesson tomorrow in the middle of the day, and then I have a study group like all day on friday. I hate school. Sorry :(

Amanda said...

OK, so yeah I was bombarded with homework...I haven't thought about it a ton...though I did my AP Euro multiple choice practice test...I skipped thirteen and barely finished within the time limit...not to mention for some reason my packet for some reason skipped from 74 to 78, so...

Yen said...

Amanda & Aly --

What time are you guys playing on thursday at the band festival? I'm playing at 6. When are you playing so I can come listen to you?

Amanda said...

Wayman didn't tell us the time, but I think we're playing on Wednesday, not Thursday...

Yen said...

Are you sure?

Amanda said...

OK, I looked at it. I think I must have misunderstood him or something. Yeah, it's Thursday, but idk what time.

Amanda said...

Oh, and I finished my DBQ, all ecstatic because for the first time, I had stayed within the time limit, and as I was setting my paper aside, the alarm went off. :(

But I still finished within the limit! :)

Yen said...

Yeah.. about DBQs... I can only do them in the time limit when I'm at school and under pressure. I can't write the stupid thing at home even if I set my alarm.. doesn't work. I hate essays.

Hillari said...

I just finished mine and it is due tomorow first period! Yay for procrastinating!! It is getting easier for me to interperate the documents, I have to say.

Misty said...

back to the subject of my party.... did you all get my email? please respond asap so i can be excited for the longest amount of time possible. thank you :)