Tuesday, June 30, 2009

ACT Score

So...I got my ACT score.

No, I'm not gonna tell you what it is.

At least, not until you tell me yours first.



Yen said...

Psh.. Like I'm gonna tell you mine :# You mean you just barely got yours? All of my scores were posted online since last wednesday. How about we wait and tell each other when we also get our AP scores?

Hillari said...

speaking of which... Where the heck are they? I nearly have an anurism (spelled oh so wrong) everytime I think about it!

Yen said...

They're supposed to arrive sometime mid-July :)

Yen said...

Amanda... What score DID you get? I promise (and cross my heart and all of that junk) to tell you my score if you tell yours first!!!!

Amanda said...

I'll give you a hint.

(5y-21)/(27x+7)-3 = My ACT Score when y=the number of letters in the name of the country I most want to go to multiplied by the number of letters of the name of the country I second most want to go to, plus the number of letters in the names of the Baltic States added together, minus how many years separate Tyler's and my ages

and x=1 divided by the number of letters in my first name

Yen said...

What? Math? Story Problem? Ugh... dang you Amanda! Leave it to you to make it complicated! I guess I'll go solve for y....

Yen said...

Who in the world made this up for you!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

Yen said...

I hate you!!!! My brain is SO confused right now! Argh!!!!!

S Thorne said...


Yen said...

J/k about all the other comments!!! I bet you just made it up as you went, no? If I tell you my score.. promise you'll tell me yours?

There's my ACT score. Happy now?

Yen said...

Poo you Shannah :(

Amanda said...

Sorry, Shannah, not quite. What did you think the countries I wanted to go to most were?

Yen, I made it up by myself. So there.

Hillari said...

yen did YOU get a 31?

Yen said...

Too complicated for my brain Amanda! Wow.. how DID you come up with it?

And Hillary, idk... you tell me :)

Hillari said...

you so do not idk! It's your score. But I'm right, I know I am. :P

Hillari said...

oh and I'm pretty sure amanda's favorite place to go is in Eastern Europe.

Yen said...

Hillary, why did you contradict yourself? If it IS my score (according to you), wouldn't you just say "I know I'm right"?

And I think Amanda wants to go to Nepal? Idk.. she did a country report on it in 6th grade.

Amanda said...

Alright, alright.

My top country is Switzerland, second is Norway. You should know what the Baltic States are. If you don't, look it up.

You had better know that Tyler and I are 1 year apart, and that my first name has 6 letters...

I really just kinda made it up...it took me like 20 minutes, though.

Yen said...

GASP!!!! You got a 33, right? YAY!!! Awesome Amanda!!!

Keilee said...

I'm not surprised. Go Amanda!

Amanda said...

Nice job, Yen.

Did you seriously spend the time to figure that out? Congratulations!

Did you for real get a 31? That's AWESOME!

Yen said...

Yes I did spend the time to figure it out. How in the world did you make it up? Especially with the Baltic States! So are you planning on taking it again? You should really consider going to Ivy league. Don't limit your choices to just the U or BYU! (whichever you prefer:)

Amanda said...

Um, if I take it again it will just be to do writing with it. I think that would be hard, though. It was so long as is...

Also, Yen, for your information, the only college I have seen that requires the writing portion is Yale. Which I doubt I'm going to...

I'm not limiting myself to BYU and U of U! I also sent my scores to BYU Idaho and Weber. (lol)

Honestly, I haven't made any decisions about college...except I'm not going to college in California(unless it's Northern CA), Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, or Florida. Probably none of the Southern States.

Hillari said...

oooohhhhh Yeeeennnnn. You still haven't answered my question. :)

Amanda said...

Who else took the ACT? What was your score?