Saturday, July 11, 2009

AP score!!

Ok, so mainly directed towards Amanda and Hillary....

What did you guys get?

Well, I guess that's all I have to say. I'm not gonna tell mine until someone tells theirs and I promise you I won't make it a story problem (Amanda... don't even think of making one!)


Amanda said...

Did you get it in the mail or can you look online? I WANT TO SEE MINE! I haven't gotten it!


Yen said...


Amanda said...


If I get it tomorrow, I'll tell you my score.

If not, I'll be at Girl's Camp all week and MISS IT

Amanda said...

I passed! I got a 3.

You know what's awesome, though? TYLER GOT A 5!!!!!!!!! (True, it was U.S. History, not European, but still way cool!)

Yen said...

AWESOME to both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a 5!!!!!

I hope Hillary passed though.... Hillary, you'd better have passed!

Hillari said...

ummmm... no. I got a 2. but what is really frustrating is I don't know how close I was to a 3! ugh. But I think I did good for coming in a term late.

and yen... of COURSE you got a 5, you little smartie.

Yen said...

:( that just ruined my day :(

Argh, I would be SO frustrated too!! At least for next year, you know NOT to skip a whole term :)

At least you tried.. I mean, didn't you miss everything Scientific Revolution and back? Now you have more experience for next year!

Hillari said...

Yeah that is what my goal kinda was. This was just kinda a test to see how everything worked and now I won't be as freaked out next year 'cause I know what to expect.

Keilee said...

Ya Hillary, you can be my mentor next year through my first year in AP classes.

Yen said...

You'll do fine Keilee! Are you taking any others besides Calc? And remember, Calc is just math, even though it has AP in front of it, it's just another math class.

Hillari said...

yeah basically everyone passes the AP calculus test. Or so Laura (girl I volunteer with) says.

Keilee said...

Good, then you can mostly help me with AP U.S. History. Yikes!

Amanda said...

Nice, Yen!

That's it, Hillary! Stay positive. It did ask a lot of questions about early stuff...

You guys are taking AP Calc THIS year? I didn't know that...I'm taking CE college algebra. I'm also taking engineering. So, if I like engineering, I know I'll need to take Calculus. If not, then I'll probably take AP Statistics. Dallin took that and said it was way easy, but you still get an AP math credit for it.

Yen said...

Thanks Amanda!

How was Girl's Camp? So are you still thinking about going into architecture?

Yeah, everyone I've been talking to says AP Stats is pretty easy. The material really only covers 1 semester, but they slow it down and spread it over a full year.

Tell me if you like engineering next year! I don't know if I want to go into engineering or not...

Amanda said...

Girl's camp was great. I'll come up with a clever post about it.

I've brought my job interests down to only two completely unrelated fields! Before, I had Sociology, Anthropology, Botany, Biochemistry, Political Science, and Psychology as interesting fields. But I got down to it, and I was like: Do I really want a JOB with these? Like, sociology is interesting, but it's not employable unless you want to be a social worker!

So my two remaining fields are Architecture and Engineering (which kind of go hand in hand) and Language.

OK, so those are still really broad. But at least I've narrowed it down!

Though it's really funny, because I'm STILL taking Psychology and Economics next year. I think they'll be interesting.

Yen said...

I'm either gonna go into.. let's see, this is if I go to the U. Considering the majors they offer, I'm gonna have to decide between going into engineering (biomed or chem), actually getting a science degree (Bio, chem or math) or just go into Med lab sciences. Idk... those would all help me with medicine, right? Dang it.. I'd better go do some research :)

Amanda said...

What kind of medicine? Like pharmacist type medicine or like actually inventing them?

Yen said...

I'm thinking either pharmacist or pediatrician, but at the same time (if I like economics next year) I don't know if I'll go the liberal arts way. You guys once said I looked like a businesswoman, right (remember state band :) ?

Hillari said...

Holy crap! Such smart talk! jk. I think I'm gonna go into botany. And Amanda? HOW in the WORlD do you have space for all of that stuff! there are a million things I want to do but I don't have any room!

Yen said...

I'm gonna ex out going into Pharmacy now. After looking at the courses they need to take to get the degree, it seems boring now. I mean, Physiological chem, okay;, but dispensing? Therapeutics, pharmacokinetics..... yeah, not anymore.

Amanda said...


Ummm...idk, Hillary...I probably have an extra year's worth of electives because I'm taking all my gym credits online...

At least, that's the goal...

Yen said...

Yeah, Pharmacokinetics. But now I'm rethinking. Idk... I'm thinking of taking the Pharm Tech program at the DATC to see if I like it senior year. Gosh, I'm so depressed now. Think about it.... we're only halfway done with our education. ONLY. Most jobs nowadays require Master degrees. So that's a minimum of 8 more years of school! So much school.......makes my head hurt.

Yeah Hillary, take LOTS of classes online. Frees up your schedule a ton. Like take financial lit or civics online. Oh yeah, I'm gonna start volunteering soon... on Mondays! Rebecca IS a pushover. I didn't believe Laura at first, but she is! I just need to get the orientation and shadowing done before I'm a full fledged volunteer!

Hillari said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!! Monday nights are gonna be fun...
she really is so easy, it's true.

I am taking classes online.
speaking of which... Keilee, Shannah, weren't we gonna do financial lit online this summer?