Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Highlights from Girl's Camp (w/ Amanda and Aly)(and Baylee)

*My dad came down Thursday. The first thing they did was sit him down and do his hair. They had those tiny neon bands...and my dad's hair is kind of long...His description was: "It looks like a have a ton of paintbrushes sticking out of my head."

*Baylee came up with a new insult: "Sausageface" Shortly thereafter, Sausage became (simultaneously, mind you) a term of endearment, an expression of disbelief, an exclamation of disgust, and a popular nickname.

*Carly (a.k.a. Carl's Jr.) and me (a.k.a. Da) came up with nicknames for everybody. Literally. They were way super random too. Like Aly was Lyx, but Alexis was Luke. Baylee was Leelee. We had a lot of those...Beebee, Deedee, Kyky, Linlin, Mimi, Kiki...it was weird!

*Our stake leaders rule. For the end of our Friday devotional, Sister Gift (stake YW pres) got up and goes: "Hmm...this won't do." Then, (I can't write this, it'd be like Ahahahah ahahahahah ahahahahahahah) she does the Enchanted thing. Where Giselle calls out to her animal friends...she sings, ya know. And then all the stake leaders get up and go ahahahahah (etc.) back, and they go: "Come my little friends, and we'll all sing a happy little good-bye song!" (instead of working) I have to tell you. THAT was hilarious.

Aly, was there anything else particularly good that I missed?


Hillari said...

Ha! I would have loved to see that. At laurel's camp it was kinda like that but they went around singing "popular" from wicked. A leader even put herself in a floofy pink prom dress and had a giant wand. Also Kathy Hunter (does anyone know who she is?) painted herself completely green.

Did you have to be a junior leader this time Amanda?

Amanda said...

Like a YCL? (Youth Camp Leader?) Yeah, I liked it...

Aly said...

Bahaha, there was me doing the flag ceremony and nearly causing it to have to be burned... there was Ninja Destruction... there was the skirt fiasco of the Women Who Believe fiasco... etc., etc...

Hillari said...

Yeah I have to be one and I'm kinda nervous. Ya know, being friendly social and making sure all the behives aren't being left out. I remember my junior leader my 2nd year and she was totally awesome, I just don't think I can be as good.

Keilee said...

I feel the same way. I'm with 3 older girls that I don't really know to be in charge of a fourth year cabin. I'd be fine, if it was my ward, cuz I love my ward, we can't. Also, I'm a 'cabin counselor' I don't know what that means, but it sounds important. I'm not the social, patient, cheerful kind of person. If I was, I'd be an SBO. ;)

Amanda said...

I had to be in a tent with a YCL I hardly knew and 4 1st years. It's not that hard, I promise. Especially if you're willing to stay up and play the Skittle game with them...

*warning* DO NOT play the Skittle game two days after having your braces tightened. OUCH!

Yen said...

How do you play the Skittle game?

Keilee said...

That game always grosses me out. I start gagging only after a few rounds.
Yen, I can't exactly remember how to play, but I do know it includes a mouthful of skittles without chewing or swallowing. *shudders*

Amanda said...

You take two Skittles. If they don't match, you just hold them in your mouth and suck on them. If they do match, you get to chew until someone else gets doubles or it's your turn again and you don't get doubles. You're only allowed to swallow if you're at the part where you're chewing. It's way random...