A blog for a group of friends tragically separated by restricting school boundaries...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Swine Flu - Yuck!
So, I've been sick for the past two days and my mom thinks it is probably swine flu. I hat it. I feel like I've been run over by a truck or something. It's kucky.
What makes her think you have the swine flu? How come now all of the sudden when one gets sick, the first thing that comes to mind IS swine flu? What if it's just the regular flu? (haha.. sorry for my ranting :P) GET BETTER SHANNAH!
Aww, I'm sorry! My brother just barely got better from swine flu and it seriously wasn't bad at all. But the stinky thing is... my whole family had to take "anti-swine-flu-medicine" while he was sick so we woulnd't get it!! Lame, but I guess it prevented us from getting it. So you could have it, but you're not gonna die!! :D
because we work at the hospital, Yen and I are "strongly encouraged" (basically told) to get the swine flu shot so we won't get sick. My mom says I have to get it. That will make 25 shots in about 2 months. yuk!
Yeah, I think that everyone is overreacting to the swine flu. My history teacher was saying that some historians think a strand of the swine flu was what actually killed the Indians, not smallpox. Weird, no? It makes sense though.
Hillary, idk if I'm actually gonna go and get the shot tomorrow. So we just take in the paper, and if we're not getting it, we slip the declination one to Rebecca?
What makes her think you have the swine flu? How come now all of the sudden when one gets sick, the first thing that comes to mind IS swine flu? What if it's just the regular flu? (haha.. sorry for my ranting :P) GET BETTER SHANNAH!
She seemed pretty swine flu-y today when I saw her before she went home. :P
Shannah,I will repeat my advice. Milk this for all it's worth. I know, I'm experienced. Remember my epidemic of "procrastinators cold"?
But with ap classes.. you can't milk it for all it's worth.
Swine Flu, personnally I think the swine Flu thing has been blown hugely out of proportion, it's actually less deadly than normal flu.
The other day i realized I may have cursed myself from that though, and the Swine Flu will get back at me fo "putting it down" all the time.
Maybe that's what's up with you shannah.
Hope you feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!!
It's actually possible that it IS swine flu. We had over 250 people out of school from swine flu one day last week.
Amanda Shafer's little brother has swine flu...and this girl in my ward and her brother had it...and my uncle had it...
Oh! But we found out it's okay! Amanda (S.) didn't have it! She was in band today, which means her mom took her out to lunch or something. (LUCKY!!!)
Aww, I'm sorry! My brother just barely got better from swine flu and it seriously wasn't bad at all. But the stinky thing is... my whole family had to take "anti-swine-flu-medicine" while he was sick so we woulnd't get it!! Lame, but I guess it prevented us from getting it. So you could have it, but you're not gonna die!! :D
because we work at the hospital, Yen and I are "strongly encouraged" (basically told) to get the swine flu shot so we won't get sick. My mom says I have to get it. That will make 25 shots in about 2 months. yuk!
Yeah, I think that everyone is overreacting to the swine flu. My history teacher was saying that some historians think a strand of the swine flu was what actually killed the Indians, not smallpox. Weird, no? It makes sense though.
Hillary, idk if I'm actually gonna go and get the shot tomorrow. So we just take in the paper, and if we're not getting it, we slip the declination one to Rebecca?
Yes Ma'am!
it wasn't that bad
i was just really, really tired ALL THE TIME!
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