Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Cheer

Does it seem wrong to you guys that none of us has posted for almost a month? I kind of thought so...

What do you guys want to do for Christmas/New Year's/Whatever? Yen and Aly, when are you guys getting back? We should plan something...not that I'm sure anyone will see this...seeing as nobody appears to have looked at it in a month...

Oh, well! Merry Christmas, everybody!


Hillari said...

cute background!!

I thought we were doing a New Years Party, since Yen won't be back for at least another week, I think Aly, too. I was gonna post, but I'm just enjoying being uber lazy. :P

Yen said...

Umm... i get back monday the 28th... when should we have a get together?

Keilee said...

According to Shannah, Aly is back as of yesterday when Shannah dropped off her present. I'm good with any day...I was thinking New Year's Eve would be fun, unless you guys have traditions with your family or something...I don't know

Amanda said...

Some time next week would be good...probably Wednesday would be best for me...Oh, but we don't have Young Women's that week, so Tuesday would be okay, too.

S Thorne said...

Just so y'all know, there is a stake dance on New Year's Eve and my mother is making me and Britney go. So that is where I'll be. Keilee, you should be there too. :) I don't want to be alone and Stevie possibly be there. :/

Keilee said...

Change of plans for me, I have to babysit Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday night. But you guys can plan the party whenever, I can work around it don't let me hold you back.

Amanda said...

I wouldn't want to do actual New Year's Eve...

Keilee, could you come if we did Tuesday night or Wednesday day?

Keilee said...

Tuesday night would work, but I probably wouldn't be able to get where ever we're planning this until 9pm on Wednesday night... and again, I don't mind if you guys plan it then don't plan it around me.

Misty said...

I'm pretty much good with whenever. Just keep me informed :) both through the blog and through text just in case I can't get to the blog, k hillary?

Keilee said...

Oh wait, I forget to say that yes, Wednesday day would be fine until 5pm. Where are we having this btw?

S Thorne said...

yea, i really want to get together, but it won't work if none of us have a meeting place. :)

Misty said...

I vote Hillary's house! :)