Thursday, April 29, 2010


I, Erika, actually got asked to prom.
It's odd I never thought that would happen. I'm kind of wondering if the Apocalypse is coming or something, but....

The truth is though, I know nothing about Prom, dances or dating or anything. My Mom is freaking out about finding a dress etc. I have no idea where to even get a dress; it is crazy.

Yes... I will tell you who asked me, but seeing as nearly none of you know him, it will mean little to you: Mckay


Hillari said...

EEEKKKKKK!!!!! That's awesome!!! Is the prom this Saturday?

Don't worry about it, it really isn't as scary as you would think. I went to preference (not prom, but that is a really long story...) and it actually ended up really fun. The dancing really isn't that bad, and it is over really fast...

How do you know this Mckay?

Keilee said...

Hillary, you said no to a guy that asked you to Prom! If dances aren't that bad, then why did you have to break his heart? :(

Yay for Erika!!!! I thought NUAMES didn't have Prom...but that's awesome anyways!!!!!

Amanda said...

I actually might know McKay...did he go to to Northridge with Hannah and Kacee? Is he a drama...well, I would say geek, but I'm not so sure...did/does he play the saxophone?

That's so cool, Erika! I hope you have fun! Also, I demand pictures. I demanded it of Amanda Shafer, too. I just have to be fair.

Erika said...

No, prom is May 15th. And me and Mckay have been freiends for a couple years now, we talk all the time.
You know Manda, I don't think you know him, he does do drama, but he deffinately doesn't play the Saxaphone. He did go to north davis (which is twhere Kacee went), but I've asked him before and he doesn't know Kacee.

And I suppose the demand for pictues isn't outrageous.

Hey, do any of you know where to get a dress, cause I don't.

Amanda said...

He REALLY doesn't play the sax? And he doesn't know Kacee? Yeah, I meant North Davis, not Northridge...

Can't help you dresswise...But let me know how it goes!

Hillari said...

It wasn't the dance itself, just the thought of going with him, Keilee...

Amanda said...

Hey! Defending my brother's best friend here...Why didn't you want to go with him?

Yen said...

Ummm, have you tried 'Dreams of Enchantment' where you can rent dresses, or Kathleen's Bridal in Kaysville?

Aly said...

Oh gosh, "Dreams of Enchantment"?! I think I just threw up a little...

Erika said...

Aly, thats great!!! that's what I did when we were in the newgate mall and my mom pointed out this store called Bliss, it was full of puffy pink things.
I found my dress at Clifton's in ogden, they're actually goood.

Wait, so who asked Hillari?

Hillari said...

Amanda's brother's best friend :) i don't want the name on the internet just in case he looks himself up or anything... but yeah, it was only that I hardly know him and I think it would have been super awkward and totally not my cup of tea or anwhere in my league... not to mention my comfort zone...