Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Take Me To Your Leader

Hello...Hello...Can anybody hear me? I'm looking for signs of life...particularly in the people I don't see every day...

Did anyone become a semifinalist in the National Merit Scholarship thing?


Erika said...

Hey, I'm alive. How's life been? I haven't seen you in forever.

Amanda said...

Hi! Life has been good. Very, very busy, but good. I come home, do homework, do whatever else I'm supposed to, go to sleep, and wake up tired. I'm finally catching up, though! I've been able to spend some time reading the past few days.

Oh, yeah, and I found out that the band trip is to Seattle, and I've never been there, so I want to go now...but I have no money. Do you want some cookie dough? Or soft pretzels, churros, or pumpkin rolls?

How's life for you?

Erika said...

Life has been interesting. My college Calc. class is hard but super cool. My english class is intensely painful and boring, as is my chem class(I think 2nd graders know this stuff). World's music is fun, but it has way too much busy work. And that pretty much fills my life, endless school.

Weird though, I realized that I will actually have my associates degree a little before I even graduate high school. It's weird to think that high school is almost over.

Good luck with the band trip, it sounds awesome. Makes me miss it, but I'm slowly learning to play the Saxaphone. Emphasis on slow, as I have so little time.

Amanda said...

Why do you only have like 4 classes?

Or are you just not listing them because they are terribly boring?

Yay! Saxophone! I would be glad to help you out!

Oh, yeah, and guess what I found the other day? WORMS ARMAGEDDON!!! You'll have to come over and play sometime...

Erika said...

ooo... I love that game. I haven't played in forever.

Actually I only have those 4 plus seminary, but they are from Weber state, and they count as 8 high school classes. They also run in a totally different schedule, so I can't take more while in high school.

Amanda said...

Oh. That's really cool. Tyler is taking 4 social sciences and some band classes, which I think is very funny. He's totally swamped, though. That makes more sense now.

We had "Post High School Day" today, and I went to the presentations for SUU, Utah State, and BYU-I. They were cool, I guess. I still want to go to Boston. We're going in a couple of weeks! We're going to do some campus visits as well as just do touristy stuff. I love my dad! We can only go because we're stealing his airline miles and hotel points!