Saturday, January 1, 2011



Erika said...

Sorry my computer posted before I was done typing. Is everyone ready for the new year? Of course it means back to school which I am not ready for . How about you guys?

Amanda said...

Hi, Erika! Sorry...this is kinda late. I finished my college applications before break, but that was about it! It was pretty hectic right when school started. I'm so excited to finish the semester. That means government is over and I get to replace it with something fun! I think the only thing that would fit in my schedule was interior design...

Band is crazy...again. As always. We will have pep band until like the start of March...our girls basketball team is favorite to win the championship again, so there will be a lot of pep...Plus a concert in mid-February. I'll let you know the day. And then we start festivals and stuff...we'll see if he has me be in full orchestra again. I don't really care either way. The juniors could use the experience.

Amanda said...

Hi, Erika! Sorry...this is kinda late. I finished my college applications before break, but that was about it! It was pretty hectic right when school started. I'm so excited to finish the semester. That means government is over and I get to replace it with something fun! I think the only thing that would fit in my schedule was interior design...

Band is crazy...again. As always. We will have pep band until like the start of March...our girls basketball team is favorite to win the championship again, so there will be a lot of pep...Plus a concert in mid-February. I'll let you know the day. And then we start festivals and stuff...we'll see if he has me be in full orchestra again. I don't really care either way. The juniors could use the experience.

Amanda said...

I don't know why it did that twice...

Amanda said...

How is everything going for your associate's degree? Are you going to get it before you graduate? Are you going to English Quest? I haven't heard anything about it at my school yet, which is super weird...I think they've been spreading announcements through English classes, and I take it at Clearfield, so I miss a lot...

Hope to see you there!

Erika said...

Everything for the associates is going great, I'm set to get it in april. Our school's already started getting ready for english quest. I'm doing Informative Speaking and Starytelling. How about you? Why are you taking english at clearfeild?

Sorry it took so long to respond, I've been finishing up a bunch of applications.

Amanda said...

I did manage to sign up for English Quest, even though I was super late. I'm doing Poetry Writing, Vocabulary Test, and Editing Test. I was debating doing Poetry Recitation or something, but I decided I didn't really want to put more pressure on myself to get something ready beforehand.

I take English at Clearfield because I can't fit AP into my schedule here. It's only offered during Band and Engineering.

Congratulations on your Associate's. Where did you apply?