Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harry Potter 7!!!!!! part b

The obsessed Harry Potter fan is extremely excited for the final movie!! Is anyone else going to the midnight show? I know that your not all quite as crazy as I am, but maybe...

How's everyone's summer been? Where you planning on going in the fall?

We need to do something.


Amanda said...

My brothers didn't want to go to the midnight showing, so we got tickets for Friday morning. Oh, well...

Misty said...

I'm going Friday afternoon, and I am STOKED!!!!!

Amanda said...

I need to go borrow Part 1...I haven't seen it since Thanksgiving.

I'm getting more excited by the passing of minutes. Which is a problem, because I'm not seeing it until tomorrow! ^_^

Jenny said...

Have you checked Pottermore then? :)
Listen, I wanted to exchange links with you. What do you say? You can visit mine and tell me what you think about it. Cheers! :)