I am officially over the soccer thing!! (that took a while, didn't it? ;D) this is mainly due to the fact that the next day, yesterday, I went over to my cousin's house where she had one puppy left that wouldn't sell, the only girl. After months of trying to convince my dad, he finally gave in and let me get her!!! YAYAYAYAY!! I need help thinking of names for her. I want you to vote on your favorite of the following names and give me some new ones that you think would be cute for her. She is a teacup Yorkshire Terrier.
* Bella (big surprise, I know.)
*Gemma (pronounced with the J sound)
*Tiger Lilly
Her middle name is going to be Benevolence. :D
* Bella (big surprise, I know.)
*Gemma (pronounced with the J sound)
*Tiger Lilly
Her middle name is going to be Benevolence. :D
oh, and Aly? My parents wanted me to create a blog for the fam, but I couldn't figure out some things. like on the title, how do you get the background to be a different color?
Hmmm...whaddaya mean? There's alotta stuff involved if you wanna make it custom...getting the Starter HTML...editing the code...
Bella only fits if she is completely reliant on others, excepting the rare occasions when she tries and fails to sacrifice herself for others.
She is way cute, though. My parents have an aversion to dogs.
My dad just hates taking care of pets, since he always ends up taking care of their dead bodies, like the two birds my sister had. and countless fish. but do you like any other names? I'm torn between Bella and Gemma.
How do you even make it custom? all the backgrounds I can get are the premade ones and the ones from that awesome website.
Hmmmm...Here's some advice: change the template to Minima, then go to "The Cutest Blog on the Block" and follow their instructions. It's not exactly custom, but I don't think I could explain how to make a custom one over email or anything. Do you have IM? Cuz that might work...
sorry, no IM. I'm not allowed to. but I got it, thanx.
Hillary, I'm for Lilly or Bella. I finished Princess Ben. Maybe I can use it as an excuse to come over. I also finished Ever. Awesome books!
You could totally use that as an excuse!! come over and see her! We pretty much decided that her name is going to be Bella. Bella Benevolence, pretty cool, huh?
Sigh...I liked Tiger Lilly...
And you have to admit, she is kinda helpless...the character...as I said, the dog is CUTE!
I like the name Illy! (Short for Illyana) And that was totally random, but who cares!
OK...if it's post-vampire Bella, it's OK.
Don't sound so surprised! I wanted to know what happened...
And it doesn't matter! No one will read this comment anyway...MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
YOU TOTALLY RUINED THE ENDING OF BREAKING DAWN FOR ME... THANKS A TON RANDOM PERSON I DON'T KNOW!! (but this blog is extremely amusing. who are you people?)
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