Thursday, June 11, 2009

For Misty

I LoVe The Script! I've been listening to them practically nonstop. So much awesomeness. But I don't have your email address so I can't email you those dido songs. I tried to get it out of Aly, but she won't respond to my text... Can you text it to me?


Yen said...

Uhhh.. Misty's in Europe right now until the 17th, but her email is:

I think she uses the first one more.

Amanda said...

When did she leave?

Yen said...

On tuesday.

Hillari said...

Holy cow! I completely forgot!! So not fair.

Amanda said...

Who all is taking the ACT today?

Yen said...

Me :( I thought it was harder than the AP test, sadly. Even with all the practice tests I took (like 6, all of which I always had at least 5-10 mins extra on each section), it seemed SO MUCH HARDER because I kept running out of time. I think that my mind was reading slow today :(. Anyways... how did you think YOU did? (I bet pretty well!)

P.S.: I got my hair cut!!!!It's SO short!

Amanda said...

You got your hair cut? No way!!! Awesome!!! I wanna see it!

I did well on English and Reading(I had extra time to go back and county up my A's, B's, C's, and D's), but on Math there were 5 I didn't answer and on Science there were 3 or 4 I didn't know so I just put answers down so I had a guess.

Hillari said...

I am such a procrastinator! I should have taken it, but I didn't sign up in time. I am trying to do the August one. Did you think it was harder than the PLAN test?

Yen said...

Definitely harder than the PLAN test. The next test isn't until September. The registration deadline is August 7th.

I did okay on the English. Math, there were like 3 where there were question marks flaring all over my brain. In Reading, the Prose fiction one almost got me, but then at the last minute I understood it. And science, well... I'd like not to talk about it. What prompt did you get for the writing?

Erika said...

I was suppossed to take the ACT saturday, but I've been relly sick, and i slept in.
i probably would have failed anyway because I wasn't feeling well. plus i would've coughed the whole time and everyone would have been all like, Swine Flu Run!!! or something.

this would have been the 2nd time I took it, i was trying to get a higher score, oh well, i guess i'll take the september one.

Hillari said...

september is so far away...

Amanda said...

I would say it's harder than the PLAN test, but not by a ton.

Yeah, Erika, I know you were supposed to be there, because you were supposed to be in my room. :( And then you were gone and I was sad!

And it's funny that you talk about coughing, because in our test session, everyone was sniffling and getting up to grab tissues and all kinds of stuff.

Yen, I took the ACT without writing. I figure next time I'll take it with writing, just in case, but the only place I've seen that requires writing is Yale. So, seeing as I'm not going to Yale, I'm pretty OK.

Yen said...

Oh, I took the writing because it's usually required out of state. Utah doesn't need it, but I might go to CA, so that's why I need the writing. The prompt was pretty stupid anyways: Should students be multitasking while doing their homework (ie on the computer, and tv).

Haha... everyone in my testing room was coughing too! The proctors were getting pretty annoyed and so were some others cuz everyone was sniffing and coughing.

Amanda said...

Crazy weird. (about the coughing/sniffing)

Really, Yen? My mom said there aren't very it really just that there are none in Utah? (that require writing)

Yen said...

Yeppity yep yep. Most of the schools on the east coast and in Cali require it. And, it's also good to take it because it could get you out of the remedial english in college (that is, if you're not gonna take the AP English test).

Hillari said...

I don't even think there is an AP English at our school...

Hillari said...

aww! That means I have to take it, because I'm probably gonna go out of state. dang it!

Yen said...

Dude... Hillary, if you can write the essay for Mr. Carter and if you did well on the UBSCT writing, theoretically(crap, totally spelled that wrong), you should do splendidly on the ACT Writing. It's only a persuasive essay.

Hillari said...

It doesn't change that fact that I totally despise persuasive essays... but since I did get a perfect score for the UBSCT, I think I will be fine.