Wednesday, April 1, 2009

They're Coming

It's OK. They promised me that we would be safe. We're bringing the bunnies.


Angie said...

I'm sceered!

Hillari said...

Shannah! I figured out that that is what madeline was txting me! I didn't realize until she said "aliens are talking to me... I have a bunny. :) oh, and can you tell the aliens to hurry up and kidnap us already, we only have two more days. and make sure they get a hot guy, it might make the whole going away thing a lot better.

Hillari said...

Oh and since when has our birthdays been a natural disaster?! Why wasn't I informed?

Amanda said...

SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, is this from Knowing?


S Thorne said...

Yes Hillary, the day you, me, and Keilee were born were all very disasterous days.
Amanda, at the end, Caleb and Abbey (Adam and Eve) take two bunnies to the new world. I just hope that the bunnies are a male and female.

Amanda said...

I didn't see Knowing. I'm still confused. You people are weird.

S Thorne said...

Yep, and proud of it!!!!