Saturday, November 22, 2008


So, there's this lady, 'kay? And she's pregnant, and she's HILARIOUS, and she has a blog, and these are some shirts she made:

P.S. -Listen to Bella's Lullaby! It's on my playlist!


Yen said...

I don't get the "Froyo", or am I just being stupid? And by shirt designs, do you mean designs that you could iron onto a blank t-shirt?

Aly said...

No, like actual shirts that have those things on it.

And did you read the small print of the Froyo (FROzen YOgurt)?

Hillari said...

Aly ! those are "flippin hilarious" (stealing those words from Misty) I like the hottest fetus ever one. Bella's lulluby is gorgeous!! I'm gonna have to buy it. GO TWILIGHT!!

Amanda said...

I admit it. That song is really pretty.

Aly said...


MZM531 said...

wow. playing both of the bellas lullabys(you have it twice)at the same time and starting one a bit later, sounds GORGEOUS. i love that song. im a twilight fanatic, so playing it double is something you just naturally think of.=)